I Was Sooo Going to Blog This Morning…

I know it’s been a week and a day. My intention when I first started Lolo in Real Life was to blog at least once a week. But guess what? The real Lolo is a procrastinator…

I had a good logical post prepared, but I forgot that I setup my iPhone to automatically deletes my photos once the photos are downloaded to Adobe. But I’m still going to blog. Maybe this post should have been titled What Could Have Been, because this could have been a better entry if I had the photos to accompany my prepared post.

It could have been about the issues I’m still dealing with from my childhood. And from my teenage years... And from my early adult years… And from last year, last month, last week, and last but not least, yesterday…

It could have been about my mother’s dependency on her children. Of her thinking that we’re supposed to take care of her and not just care for her.

It could have been about my mother telling me I need to have at least one child, so that when I become older, I’ll have a child to take care of me and not just care for me.

It could have been about how I increased my 401k this quarter, because I want to have enough funds upon retirement, so that I won’t be a burden on my child, if I eventually choose to reproduce.

It could have been about how I don’t think I’ll ever reproduce. I had this thought when lil Lela was being born. It was scary; I didn’t think she was going to make it. And for the record, giving birth is not sexy.

It could have been about how giving birth isn’t supposed to be sexy…

It could have been about how I’ll contact the Black perv Dr on the E! plastic surgeon show to make sure my vjayjay snaps back properly after the birth. Our family has big heads…

It could have been about how I’m thinking of having the g-shoot in my g-spot, by the same perv Dr, but think it’s a waste since we only get to have sex once a week.

It could have been about my boyfriend and our money issues. Funny thing is, neither of us is lacking in that area, but it’s still an issue in our relationship.

It could be about how I still want to give my boyfriend half on the flat screen, though he said I didn’t have too. I’m sure he’ll bring it up at his convenience…

It could be about my dad coming over to pickup the old tv last night. And how I enjoyed his company. I’m still daddy’s lil girl.

It could be about how I thought this post would only contain a few lines, now I see that I could go on and on and on. So I filtered and will save some for next week.

It could have been about how I'm so going to visit all my commenters sites, which I've already bookmarked, but have been too busy to read and comment.

It could have been about my successes, failures, strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, goals and dreams.

It could be about how it’s all about nothing and everything at the same time.



March 11, 2008 at 10:47 AM

Boo iPhones!!! Nah on the real, if I could get them on T Mobile, I probably would have one.


March 11, 2008 at 10:52 AM

You can. They're unlocked now. I hear those are real expensive though.


March 11, 2008 at 12:33 PM

You don't need a plastic surgeon to get your vaajay to snap back. All you need is: Ben Wa Balls and kegal exercises.


March 11, 2008 at 12:48 PM

LOL...I so was not going to comment on the plastic surgery, but definitely have to co-sign Southern gal. Kegals are you friend!

Loved your post. So many things to comment on.

I feel you on the mother issue...my mother thinks just like your mother. Slowly but surely she is learning that I am not her personal ATM.

Props to you for getting that 401K together!

  Miss Snarky Pants

March 11, 2008 at 2:12 PM

you still managed to make it A GREAT POST!! :-)

  PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer)

March 12, 2008 at 8:40 AM

you're funny lolo. and i must say, i feel you on mamas...i say those things to my hubby all of the time. oh, and you wouldn't need vajayjay surg if you had a c-section. as painful as it is, the v isn't touched by a ten foot pole and that worked out great for me ;-P

  feels good b n FREE

March 13, 2008 at 12:35 AM

isn't that what bloggin is all about???everything and nothing,:)
i think so, that's why I love it.
btw, nice pic...and giving birth is totally unsexxy,you are right.
and did Tyra coin the word "vjayjay" ??? 'Cause i love it2!!
nice reading ur blog!


March 13, 2008 at 4:27 PM

All aout everything and nothing at the same time....

Aint that the truth!! Isn't it interesting how the impromptu posts turn out to be some of the most entertaining and fun to read and write? I love that with my randominity posts. I never know where they're going.

And I so want an Iphone...When I get one, my work productivity is going even lower!

  All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo

March 13, 2008 at 5:10 PM

u ipod junkie lol. 401k is good, it can get u 320000 in 14 years, just stay n to of it, and to make hat grow, rll over to independent brokerage house and tel them what to buy, works for me

  Miss Mika

March 14, 2008 at 1:48 PM

Good stuff about your 401K. You are conscious of it early and that is going to pay off wonderfully in the end.

I felt like you were talking about me when you were talking about your mom. I grew up with one of those mothers who wasn't really a mother but a "friend". The motherly responsibility fell on me which sucked for my sister because here big sister is acting like momma! It was a hard habit to break.


March 21, 2008 at 10:50 PM

I'm glad you love your daddy Marleaux. You're a sweet girl. The best way to resolve those issues from the past is to focus on being your best and loving others today and looking towards tomorrow. Most of the time there is no resolution or closure or any of that stuuf at all. Don't look back Darlin'!

  All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo

March 24, 2008 at 2:04 AM

make that loot hon, and u dont seem like a procrastinator to me and im adding this to my new blog roll and the new book is out